Amyloodinium ocellatum (Dinoflagellate protozoa) Infestation in Dicentracus labrax (Sea bass) and trials of treatment.

Document Type : Original researches


Amyloodiniosis (marine velvet, velvet disease) is one of the main problems in aquaculture, in this study, A total 300 of European Dicentracus labrax fingerlings, were collected randomly from a fishing farm at Port Said governorate, Egypt, in the summer of 2022. Samples were taken for the parasitological examination (light and electron microscopical examination) which revealed the presence of Amyloodinium ocellatum, for the experimental design. The total Prevalence of the 300 examined Dicentrarchus labrax fish, was 195 (65.00%), a total of 240 D. labrax fingerlings were divided into four equal groups of 60 each and distributed equally in fiberglass tanks, and both Copper sulfate and hydrogen peroxide were used in the treatments for 14 days, giving good recovery with decreasing the mortalities rates.  The identification is confirmed by scanning electron microscope.


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