Document Type : Original researches
The present study was designed to investigate the clinical impacts of parakeratosis on health status and hematobiochemical parameters among buffaloe calves and evaluate the effect ration fortification with either mineral mixture with or without addition Nigella sativa seed on clinical health condition. About thirty five buffaloe calves with age of two years and average B. wt (300-350 kg) were used in this study. Two skin scrapings from affected part and faecal samples were collected from parakeratotic calves for parasitological and mycological examination. Faecal samples were examined parasitologically. Post examination skin scrapings and faecal samples, 20 calves free from mites, fungus and parasite were used in these study (5 healthy –15 suffering from parakeratosis) were divided into four equal groups, Gp (1) apparently healthy calves (-ve control), Gp (2) calves suffering from parakeratosis (+ve control), Gp (3) calves suffering from parakeratosis supplemented with 2 kgm mineral mixture/ton ration for 2 month and Gp (4) calves suffering from parakeratosiss supplemented with mineral mixture 2 kgm, mineral mixture/ton ration and 0.5% nigella sativa powder for 2 month. All calves were feed with 1kgm ration/50 kgm body weight and opened feeding hay.
Parakeratosis calves (Gp 2) showed alopecia; thickening, hardening, and skin cracking, body temperature exhibited a normal pattern while heart and respiratory rate were increased. Three blood samples were collected from all calves at 1st and 10th day post treatment for hematobiochemical testes. Hematological testes implied that Parakeratic calves in Gp 2 exhibited significant reduction in RBCs, Hb and PCV while WBCs, neutrophils, eosinophil, and monocyte showed non significant difference. Moreover lymphocytes, basophil, phagocytic index, phagocytic % and killing percentage were recorded a non significant decrease. (G3) & (G4) showed improvement in RBCs count in a non-significant and significant manner respectively with non significant changes in both leukogram and phagocytic index.
Regarding biochemical tests; G2 showed a significant increase in serum total lipids, triglycerides and MDA levels. On the other hand, there was a reduction in serum selenium, zinc, copper, iron, total proteins, albumin, globulins, cholesterol, SOD, CAT and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) levels.
AST, ALT and A/G ratio exhibited a non significant increase, while ALP displayed non significant decrease in comparison with (G1).
Supplementation of parakeratic calves with mineral mixture only (G3) or with addition of Nigella sativa (G4) for 2 months showed improvement in skin conditions with complete disappearance of skin lesions, restored skin elasticity, hair growth. Furthermore, the hematobiochemical parameters showed improvement pattern in G & G4. Minerals mixture as well as Nigella sativa enhanced and brought hematobiochemical and oxidative stress biomarkers levels closer to normal.
It could be concluded that trace elements epically zinc deficiency is the main cause of parakerat-osis in calves. Most of clinical signs and hematobiochemical alterations had been modulated and improved post supplementation with mineral mixture alone or with 0.5% of Nigella sativa seeds powder.
Main Subjects