Urgency and Challenges of Digital Transformation in Animal Healthcare Based on Industry 4.0

Document Type : Reviews articles


Veterinary healthcare encompasses various activities such as prediction, prevention, monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of livestock. This article reviews the advantages and challenges of digitalizing animal health and highlights its urgency in terms of national security. The advent of novel technologies and their widespread use in animal healthcare has facilitated the tracking of animal and product movements in the supply chain, monitoring their health in real-time, and utilizing data analytics and machine learning to identify patterns and trends in animal health. Technology has made possible the detection of disease outbreaks before they spread, the stoppage of zoonotic disease spread, and the improvement of the general health and welfare of animals. This requires financial support, cooperation among team members, and commitment to data security and privacy. We must take the digitalization of animal health seriously and invest in the infrastructure and technology required to manage it because it is a pillar of national security.


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