Comparative biochemical and pathological studies between Toltrazuril and garlic supplementation in chickens infected with coccidiosis

Document Type : Original researches


Coccidiosis is one of the significant problems in the poultry industry throughout the world. It is responsible for 6–10% of all broiler   mortality. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of combination between garlic powder and half therapeutic dose of toltrazuril for controlling clinical cecal coccidiosis, based on clinical signs, mortality rate ,oocysts counting, hematological, biochemical parameters of blood and pathological examination. One hundred at one day -old chicks were randomly divided into 5equal groups. The1st group (A) that was kept uninfected (control negative group).The next (B, C, D and E) groups were infected with 20,000 sporulated oocysts per chick at the 20th days- old. The group (B) that was infected but non treated (control positive).The group (C) that was treated with 7 mg/kg toltrazuril at 3rddays P.I. which is the therapeutic dose. The group (D)was feed on ration containing garlic powder 8gm /kg ration as a prophylaxis. The group (E) was administered garlic powder 8gm/kg ration from the 1st day age then given 3.5 mg/kg toltrazuril (half the  therapeutic dose) at the 3 rd day P.I .In general the clinical signs were huddling ,severe depression , chilling ,reduction in the feed intake then profuse bloody dropping which decrease gradually by the day 11th P.I. The mortalities were recorded on group (B,C and D).The hemato-biochemical parameters were significantly decreased in Hb, RBCs, PCV, serum protein level and significantly increased in TLC, AST ,ALT, Creatinine level .The pathological findings showed severe hemorrhagic enteritis, severe leucocytic infiltration and necrotic cecal glands. The birds in  groups (E) showed mild symptoms with improvement of the clinical signs, averages feed intake, as well as hematological , biochemical parameters and pathological lesions  with a decrease in oocyst number than in group (C).
It could be concluded that: the combination between garlic powder as prophylaxis and half dose of toltrazuril as treatment prevent the mortalities with reduction of the number of oocysts and improve hemato-biochemical parameters in the affected birds.


Comparative biochemical and pathological studies between Toltrazuril and garlic supplementation in chickens infected with coccidiosis

 Shahira H.M. Hussein,  Soad Mekawy, Mervat A. Ayoub , Gehan N.A. and  Rania, A.A.

 *Department of Pharmacology, **Department of Clinical Pathology, ***Department of Pathology and ****Department of Parasitology,

Animal Health Research Institute, Zagazig lab., ARHI, ARC



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